Chieftain is a red skin, white flesh potato variety. Early to mid-season maturing tubers are round in shape and have excellent eating qualities. This variety has a large set, high yield and stores very well. Scab resistant and field resistant to late blight.
Red Norlands have a red skin with white flesh. They are a round to oblong shaped variety that are quick to bulk up. They are an early maturing variety. A great choice for salads, boiling or frying! Size Bs are great for boiling and are widely known as "Baby Reds". Resistant to Potato Virus A, growth cracks, early blight and hollow heart with a moderate resistance to common scab and Rhizoctonia.

Vikings have a smooth red skin with yellow to white flesh. They are a high yielding round to oblong shaped variety that are small to medium in size with shallow eyes. Their moist flesh makes for a creamy texture when cooked and have a sweet, buttery flavor. A great choice for baking, boiling or frying! Tubers will keep for over a month in cool, dry and dark space. Drought-resistant and heat-tolerant making it great for any adverse weather conditions. Also, highly resistant to scab.
Dark Red Norlands have a dark red skin with white flesh. They are a round to oblong shaped variety that are quick to bulk up. They are an early maturing variety. A great choice for salads, boiling or frying! Resistant to Potato Virus A, growth cracks, early blight and hollow heart with a moderate resistance to common scab and Rhizoctonia.

Goldrush Russets are a golden-brown smooth skin with a white flesh. Tubers are medium large size, oblong to long shaped, with evenly distributed eyes that are shallow in depth. It is a mid-season maturing variety with medium to high yields. They are a great variety for your baked or mashed potato needs. They store well, moderate resistance to Verticillium wilt, good resistance to scab, moderate resistance to blackspot and some resistance to silver scurf.
Silverton Russets are a golden-brown russetted skin with a fine net-like appearance potato variety. Tubers are medium-sized, oblong and uniform with white flesh, evenly distributed eyes that are medium in depth and have a white base. It is a mid-season maturing variety with medium to high yields. They are a great variety for your baked or mashed potato needs. They store well, have few internal defects and are resistant to common scab.

Dakota Pearls are a white skin and flesh potato variety. Tubers are medium-sized, round and uniform with bright-white skin, shallow eyes, and a low percentage of external defects. It is an early maturing variety with a high number of tubers. They are noted for excellent chip color from cold storage (42°F). It is tolerant to black spot bruise and resistant to common scab and has moderate resistance to hollow heart and pink rot.
Waneta is a white skin and flesh potato variety that is a late maturer. The tubers are oblong to round with relatively smooth skin and shallow eyes. They are noted for excellent chip color from cold storage, good yield, long tuber dormancy, and resistance to both common scab and race Ro1 of the golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis).

ND7799C-1 is a white skin and flesh potato variety. Early to mid-season maturing tubers are small and round in shape. This high yielding variety is an excellent chipper at cooler temperatures. Long season storability and a high resistance to common scab.